Tuesday 14 February 2012

Spurs vs Newcastle United

The less said about this absolute lesson in tactical errors, the better. I don't even know where to begin with this game. I was hoping that I would be able to gloat about how we smashed Spurs up on their own turf and that Redknapp would be begging to go to jail, but alas, they DESTROYED us.

I'm normally the first person to defend wor Obertoon when the stupid whoppers attack him because it's cool to do so. Or if they get on his back for something that's blatantly not his fault. But he had an absolute 'mare of a game on Saturday. I'm not blaming him entirely for the drubbing. Far from it. Let's not forget that we conceded in the 2nd half too. But his reluctance to track back and cover Bale meant our right wing was completely exposed. Simpson was covering in the centre and time and time again, Assou-Ekotto was steaming down our right hand side like a fucking boss. Obertan was removed at half time and replaced with young Fergie, who, it has to be said, had a better game than alien-cranium.

We were 2-0 down before the defenders had even woken up and realised there was a match going on. I've never seen us so utterly dominated in midfield for a long time. I don't want to make excuses, because although it pains me to say this, Spurs played brilliantly (particularly Adebayor) but we desperately needed the services of Tiote, Raylor and Cabaye in that match.

A quick mention to Perch and Guthrie, who I think have played really well in recent matches. I suspect Pardew will probaby bench Tiote for the first half vs Wolves and give Guthrie another start.

I fully expect us to bounce back against Wolves, and give them a good hiding at SJP. Regardless of whether they have a new manager at the helm or not. It didn't faze us against QPR.

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